How is Will like me?
Apart from us being the same age, I think that Will is similar to me in several ways. First of all, Will and I both know people that bullied us and ended up being friends. The person I am talking about was a classmate of mine in Standard 1 at my old school, S.J.K.(C) Jalan Davidson. He is exactly like Henry, Will's cousin who always bullied him. This boy and I had many nasty encounters in school. He has kicked me in the back, threw my books and water bottle down two floors, and even pushed me down the stairs. We even fought several times. In the end, it would always end up really badly. One day in Standard Two, he couldn't be found when his parents went to school to pick him up. They panicked and got the teachers to look for him. But they still couldn't find him anywhere. Then his parents saw me and asked me to find him. I saw how worried they were and decided to help even though I didn't like him. I went looking all over the school and managed to find him. When he realized how worried his parents had been, and how much help I had given to search for him, he changed his attitude towards me. Eventually, I became his best friend. In the book, Will and Henry hated each other at first but slowly their attitudes towards each other changed.
Secondly, Will and I both have a cousin who we depend on a lot. The cousin that he depends on is Jack (who is Capped early in the story) and the cousin I depend on is a boy named Yee Jiang. Jack would always break up Will and Henry's fights, and he gave Will a lot of good advice. My cousin Yee Jiang would always help me out with any problems I had.
But the most important reason why I think that Will and I are similar is that we don't want or like our lives to be in the hands of others. It seems like I am always asked to do this and that by my parents and other adults, like teachers. I feel like I am being controlled. If we weren'tcontrolled by others, we could live our life however we want. That's the reason why Will wants to go to the White Mountains. In a way, my teachers and parents are just like the Tripods: they can control me and make me bow down to them. But even though I would like to control my own life, I would not run away like Will. That's a big difference between him and me!

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