Monday, September 13, 2010

The time to face my fears!!!!!

Since I have to write about my fears, I guess I have no choice but to confess how terrified I used to be of spiders. Yes I know what you are probably thinking right now - how can a big boy like me be scared of little spiders? But it's true, and this is how it all started.

Fear of Spiders

One day, when I was about five years old, I was playing as usual in my toy room alone. I was sitting in one corner playing with my action figures when I suddenly felt an itch behind my left shoulder. Automatically, I reached back to scratch it. Then I felt an itch on the back of my right hand. But before I could scratch it, I saw something that looked like a little black spot at the itchy area. When I looked at it closely, I saw a bug with many eyes and 8 legs. It was the ugliest and scariest thing I had ever seen. (At the time I didn't know it was a spider.) As quick as lightning, I brushed it off my hand and ran off screaming like a little baby to my mummy.

For days after that, I could still feel the creepy-crawly feeling on my hand. I had nightmares about bugs crawling all over me. I was paranoid and jumped whenever I saw spiders. I hated all spiders. I know most people are afraid of the big hairy striped spiders like Tarantulas, but to me they weren't as scary as the tiny little black spiders. They were the worst.

It turns out that I wasn't the only one scared of spiders. Lots of people everywhere are afraid of them. There is even a word which means the fear of spiders: Arachnophobia.

One day a few years later, when I was playing video games at my neighbor's house, I saw a little bug crawling on the floor near us. Guess what, it was a spider. I started to panic and shouted to him to squash it. He started to laugh and said "How can you be scared of a spider? I mean, it's such a little thing after all and it can hardly do anything to you."

Of course, I didn't listen to him. He kept laughing and refused to kill the spider. I couldn't concentrate on the game because I kept watching out for the spider. Predictably, he beat me in the game.

Later on I thought about what my neighbor had said. It was really embarrassing. I thought about my hero Spider-man who became a superhero because of a spider. I thought it was weird that I was scared of spiders yet I wanted to be bitten by a radioactive spider so I could become like Spider-man.

From that day, I decided that I should try to control my fear of spiders. Now when I see a spider, I say to myself that it really is not harmful and I'm much bigger than it and I could squash it with my pinky. It's not always easy to do and sometimes I still feel like dying when I see a tiny spider crawling near me.

I know it seems silly that a big boy like me can have this fear but I think that everyone has weaknesses. Even Superman can be weakened by Kryptonite. The important thing, which I have learned, is not to fear it.


  1. Nick, your blog post is interesting! You should put more information for the 3rd and the 5th paragraph. I think you showed lot's of quotes and information. You didn't really need to put the fear of spiders like what I did for my blog. Besides that, your blog is fine! - Shin Young Park

  2. Nick, your blog post is interesting! You should put more information for the 3rd and the 5th paragraph,etc. I think you showed lot's of information. I liked how you compared yourself with Spider-man. You should compine the paragraphs and make it one big paragraph. Besides that, your blog is fine! Shin Young

  3. Nick, your blog post is awesome! It is very long but keep in mind that long is good. I also like how you said instead of I turned around and ran you said, as fast as lighting I turned around and ran as fast as I could to my mom. Anther thing I really liked about your blog post is that you compared what you were scared of to another really know character like spider man. For you that is basically your evidence but you are really lucky because I find it really hard to find evidence. It was an awesome blog.
