Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My learning preference
No, that's not a drawing of me! It shows my learning profile!
We recently did an experiment in class to see the different ways that students learn. Some prefer to learn by touching things while others may prefer to hear about things. After we did a self-assessment, we matched the results to a profile. My learning profile was. It says that I am Gestalt dominant and I prefer to learn by visualizing things.
I was shocked to see that my profile was spot on. It quite accurately describes what I am like in real life. For example I have problems communicating, remembering and listening to people when I am under stress. Sometimes even though I am able to see the whole picture, I have problems in finding the words or language to express the idea. For me, language is not an initial response.
The profile says I am a visual learner that needs to see the whole three dimensional perspective and emotional elements to learn. I learn best when I can understand the whole picture and why the subject is relevant or important to me. I usually only become interested and motivated when I can understand why I should be learning the subject. Unlike other people, I prefer not to follow step-by-step instructions. I tend to do something by imagining the end results and then intuitively doing what seems right. I think that this is because I am Gestalt dominant. I am more creative than logical. This shows in the way I study. I don't like to be glued to the chair the whole class. I'm always itching to move around. I would like to lie down, sit on the floor or of course walk around. I always like surprises. I like it when the teacher asks us students what we want to do and then vote on what we should do next. I have no doubt that I learn best when I have some input in deciding how or what to learn.
The stuff I need to work on is controlling my stress level because if I get stressed out I would have a hard time communicating, remembering and listening to people. When I am stressed, I feel clumsy and stuck. I find it even more difficult to find the words to express myself even if I know the answer. I also need to concentrate harder when I am studying because I get distracted really easily. The way to do that is to remove things that can become distractions.
The strategies that would help me in learning would be to try and concentrate and to follow the assignment step by step. I think that maybe I should stop talking to my friends when the teacher is teaching because I would not know what the teacher is teaching. I need to read a lot more when I have free time to improve my vocabulary because it is pretty weak right now. I need to concentrate harder and stop looking at people around me because I get distracted so easily. So I must become more focused and disciplined.
I would like my teachers to make studying interesting and exciting. I like it better than just learning in a routine way. In my previous school, teachers usually stood in front of the class and lectured the students. I found it hard to learn. Here at ISKL, the way subjects are taught is quite different and I find it much more interesting. I know my teachers here make a lot of effort to guide me and I appreciate it. But I hope they understand that maybe my weaknesses are due to the fact that I prefer to learn in a different way from other students. I hope they will sometimes ask me for my opinion on what to study or how to study. I would like my teachers to explain the importance or relevance of a subject to me. But now that I know my learning preferences, I will try to improve myself and take advantage of my own way of learning.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Collaborate literature circle (Thunder Cave)
was Harry Park. The book that we are reading for our literature circle
is "Thunder Cave" written by Roland Smith. I have blogged about this
book before.
1.The benefits of working with a classmate
Working with a classmate was a good experience. It is quite different
from class group discussions. Apart from sharing our ideas and
opinions with each other, we help each other choose passages to read
and how to write about the passages. We also work more closely
together and even edit each other's work. It makes doing a literature
circle assignment a lot easier.
Working with a classmate means I can concentrate better on my part of
the assignment. I have more time to think about my part of the
question because I only need to focus on one part while my partner
does the other part. Sharing an assignment lessens a lot of burden.
Having a partner also makes it possible for me to have a deeper
understanding of the passage I picked because I can spend more time
reading and understanding the passage. Having someone to discuss the
passage with makes it easier to get on with the work. Sometimes my
classmate has a different opinion on the passage and it gives me more
ideas to think about. For example it was interesting to see how Harry
did his assignment. We work very differently. Harry puts a lot of his
opinions into his writing. I usually refer a lot to the passage and
put a lot of quotations in my writing. In future I will put more of my
opinions in my writing.
Another benefit is that we check and edit each other's work before we
submit the work because if the classmate's work has grammatical errors
or if it doesn't make sense, it could affect my grades too.
So I think there are many benefits of working with a classmate.
2.Challenges / obstacles which you overcame (tried to overcome)
The challenges / obstacles I overcame was with the connection. I had
trouble thinking about a connection because the passage that I wrote
was where Jacob was learning how to camouflage himself to blend in
with the surroundings. Harry said that I should make it up, so I
thought to make one up like I camouflage myself to get out of survival
school because I hated it. Then when I was playing one of my games I
figured out that I could write about one of my games.
Another obstacle was that sometimes we couldn't agree on stuff like
the connection, questions and answers and sometimes he would change my
work and I would get upset about it. After working together for a
while, I came up with the idea of generating a few options and we
would choose one that we both agreed on. Even then we still sometimes
ended up with different opinions or ideas on how to write the answer.
I know that people sharing a lit circle don't always see things eye to
eye. But it is natural that we have our different opinions and the
important thing is to voice it out whether we agree with each other or
not is another issue. In the real world sometimes we may have to work
with people that have different communication skills. This can be hard sometimes but
somehow we have to work things out to accomplish our goals.
3.New understandings that you gained about the novel.
For the passage that Harry chose, at first I agreed with Harry's
opinion that the relationship between Supeet and Jacob was important
because Supeet taught Jacob how to survive in the savanna. Supeet was
like a teacher to Jacob and that was a very important point in the
passage. But when I read and re-read the passage that Harry had
chosen, I realized that what was more important was that Supeet had
saved Jacob from death and after that they formed a strong friendship.
Another new understanding I gained is that after meeting Supeet, Jacob
decides to not rush to find his father and instead take more time to
learn how to survive in the savanna from Supeet. As a Masai, Supeet
knows a lot about how to survive in the savanna like having a
different water purification method, how to borrow food from animals
and how to approach animals. Jacob asked Supeet to help him find his
father's camp. Why would Supeet agree to help Jacob, a stranger that
he had just met? I think it's because Supeet realized that he and
Jacob were alike and that they shared the same goals. At first their
relationship is like a teacher and student but later they become good
friends. I think that Jacob's friendship with Supeet gets stronger as
they keep traveling together and i think with this strong friendship,
they can accomplish anything together.
I enjoyed doing my assignment with a partner because having someone to
discuss things with makes the work easier and a lot more interesting.
Sharing a common burden of completing a task where we are graded
perhaps bonds us in a special way just like Jacob and Supeet. We are
dependent on each other to work towards a good grade. It's good to
know that ... I am not alone ...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Lit circle discussion for Thunder Cave
Discussing the literature circle with my friends allowed me to understand the character Jacob and the story better. In our group dicussions, I am able to share my ideas and listen to my group's ideas too. Sharing ideas in a group gives me a better understanding of the story. The different opinions give me more and more ideas on how to write my literature circle. I think it's cool and interesting that different people can have different opinions and explanations about the same passage. I guess it's because we are from different parts of the world. We also shared our connections and see if they are connected to the passage that we picked. Hearing personal connections helps me to understand not only the story but my friends too. Having group dicussions like this is fun and at the same time we are able to learn from each other. It is also interesting that the same story has so many interpretations and I really enjoyed hearing my friends telling their version of the story.
I thought our group connected very well. Some of us chose the same passage .Obviously we connected in the choice of passage but some of us chose it for the same reasons but others chose it for different reasons. We may not have had the same opinion all the time,but we were interested to hear what the others had to say. Through sharing I was sometimes influenced by some of my group's opinion. So some of us were connected in opinions after the discussions. I also found that some of our personal experiences that we shared were quite similar and so we were able to relate to each others' feelings and thoughts during the discussions. I think I might get a better understanding about my group with more of these discussions.
I predict that Jacob will find his bicycle and probably blend in with a herd of zebras.I predict that the pendant Jacob found in his mother's room will help him one day. I also predict that Jacob will go back with his dad to get his mom's jewelery back. But I think it won't be easy or simple. There will be surprises for Jacob, like how his bike was stolen. I predict that Jacob will use his survival skills well. Therefore I think that this story will have a happy ending!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Guns, Germs and Steel
What role did geographic location and natural resources play in the the development of Malaysia? ![]() | |
Malaysia is strategically sited just north of the Equator (2 30' North, 112 30' East). This beautiful country with an area of 329,750km is made up of two separate parts, East Malaysia and Peninsular Malaysia. Malaysia's climate has high humidity, hot temperatures and two seasons wet and dry. Rainfall in Malaysia is plentiful and its soil is fertile. Malaysia is protected from natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Malaysia is situated midpoint of trade routes making the Straits of Malacca possibly the leading shipping lane on the planet! The Straits of Malacca is the main shipping channel between The Indian Ocean and The Pacific Ocean, linking Europe and Asia. Over 50,000 vessels pass through The Straits per year, carrying about a quarter of the world's traded goods including oil, rubber, palm oil, tin, spices such as pepper and other commodities.
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Malaysia is blessed with abundant natural resources in areas such as agriculture, minerals and forestry. Malaysia's climate and its fertile soil enable many different types of plants to be grown all year round. Plants like rubber trees and oil palm trees were originally found in other places like Brazil and Africa. The British introduced them to Malaysia and we ended up becoming the biggest growers in the world. Malaysia also has a lot of tin and oil. We were also once the biggest exporter of tin in the world. Our oil is mainly found under the sea near Sabah and Terengganu. Today we no longer produce a lot of tin or rubber or oil compared to other countries but we are still one of the biggest exporters of palm oil. You can see how huge the oil palm plantations are when you drive on the highways.
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With its great geographic location and abundant natural resources, Malaysia was very attractive to countries and peoples from all over the world. Ships and traders from Europe and Asia stopped over in Malaysia and introduced new things, cultures, food and ways of thinking and doing things. People from other countries who came to Malaysia didn't have to worry about natural disasters like what is happening in Indonesia now. They didn't have to struggle to get food or to live in a land with bad weather. We have benefited from learning the best of Western and Asian cultures. Today, most Malaysians can speak three or more languages like English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia. We have a good education system that was taken from England. The natural resources like oil, tin, rubber, palm oil and timber that Malaysia exported to other countries generated a lot of wealth for Malaysia. The wealth was used to develop Malaysia and improve our standard of living. Our roads, airports, buildings, schools and hospitals are today among the best in the world. So in conclusion, we can say that Malaysia's geographic location and natural resources played a very important role in the development of Malaysia.
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Monday, October 18, 2010
A strange day for little Finn, the mudskipper.
When he was eating his usual delicious meal of mud pie made out of insects, he heard noises from outside his house. Little Finn and his parents went out of their house and saw some VERY large creatures. He knew these creatures were humans. His parents and the older folk in his village constantly reminded him and the other young mudskippers to stay as far away from them as possible. He had been told since he first learnt to walk on his fins that the humans were dangerous. He had seen only a few humans in his life. Usually they were smaller and did not venture very far into the mudskippers’ territory.
The humans he now saw were different. They were bigger in size and there was a lot of them. The noise they were making was thunderous. They were falling about and sinking into the mud. One of the giant creatures even sank into the mud up to about his head. The other creatures pointed at him and made thunderous “Ho Ho Ho” sounds. He did not know what it meant but he was very scared.
Soon everyone from his village were out of their homes. The giant human creatures almost squashed Tom's house. Tom and his family began to panic. They just skipped round and round in circles."Tom, get into the mangroves, quick!" little Finn shouted. Tom and some other neighbours then skipped deeper into the mangroves and stared at the humans.Soon all the mudskippers were skipping away in terror. Little Finn and his parents too went deeper into the mangroves to watch what was happening.
The humans continued to stomp around the mudskippers’ village. The ground shook every time the humans’ gigantic limbs pounded the mud. Bits of mud flew into the air and towards the mudskippers like meteors or missiles. There were mini explosions when these bits of mud hit the ground.
What happened next was very surprising. The humans began to plant small mangrove trees! The mangrove trees were like guardians of the territory. LittleFin had heard the old stories about how the trees had protected the mudskippers for hundreds of years. They blocked the giant waves from destroying everything in the territory. But over the years, the old mangrove trees had begun dying. Some parts of the mudskippers’ territory didn’t even have mangrove trees anymore.
The humans made huge holes in the ground and with their huge hands, planted the trees and then covered the holes again. Was this how the mangrove trees first appeared in the mudskippers’ world? Little Finn and his parents had always thought that the humans were bad because they had seen humans cut down the forest and the trees. But here they were doing the opposite! He thought that maybe the humans were not as bad or dangerous as the older mudskippers said.
Soon, all of the humans departed, creating earth-shaking vibrations. But some of them left behind strange artifacts – big black structures shaped like an “L” but with an entrance at one end. Were they spaceships or vehicles? After all, the humans moved around in them. Some of Little Finn’s neighbors explored them and when nothing bad happened, used them as their homes.
It had been a really exciting but also a frightening experience for Little Finn. He had woken up that morning expecting an adventure. But he hadn’t expected to see something as strange as the humans started stomping and falling around causing much chaos just because they wanted to plant the mangrove trees.Even though the humans were nice enough to plant the mangrove trees, their clumsiness created havoc in little Finn's village. Little Finn hoped that there wouldn't be any more humans tomorrow to cause more chaos........
The End
Here are some pictures of a mudskipper:
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Courage Connection
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My earliest memory of bullying was in Grade 1 at my old school. It was the first day in a new school for all of us in Grade 1. There was a boy - I call him Billy - who made fun of the kids that cried. He laughed at them and teased them. You wouldn't expect Billy to be a bully. He was a little plump and wore spectacles, and his mother walked with him to our classroom every morning! I mean, he looked like a geek and a mummy's boy!
Billy terrorised almost everyone in our class. He would push other kids' books off their desks, or throw their schoolbags out of the classroom. Sometimes he would trip someone who walked past him. He didn't care whether you were a boy or a girl. He didn't care whether you were bigger than him. He just bullied everyone.
But Billy had a favourite victim, Julian, who sat beside me. He bullied Julian more than anyone else.
One day some classmates and I
were playing hide and seek after school. I was looking for a hiding place when I heard someone scream. I went to check what happened. I saw Julian lying on the ground with Billy standing over him. Billy was stamping on him and I could see blood on Julian's face. I quickly hid behind a wall because I was afraid that I would get beaten up too. I wanted to help Julian but my body didn't move at all. The only thing I could do was stand there like a statue.
Eventually Billy walked away. I went to Julian and helped him up and asked him what had happened. He told me he had tripped and injured his face. Julian didn't come to school for the next few days. When he came back to school, I went up to him and told him I had seen what happened. I apologized for not doing anything. I thought he would get angry and wouldn't want to be my friend but I was totally wrong. He just said "don't worry about it". I felt so guilty.
I think if that incident happened today, I would have stopped Billy from beating up Julian. But maybe the incident happened because Julian or other people didn't speak up against Billy before the bullying got that bad. Maybe not speaking up or fighting back gives the bully the confidence to do worse things. I think that today I would join forces with Julian and the other kids to tell Billy to stop being so mean. If a bully sees that other people are ready to stand up to him, he will stop bullying them.My two goals are to help whenever I see someone getting bullied and to always defend my friends. I would never want to see someone in that situation ever again, I will always save anyone who needs help. But bullying can happen in many different ways, not just fighting, and can happen to anyone, not just the smaller kids. We must recognize when someone is being bullied and then do something to help the victim.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The time to face my fears!!!!!
One day, when I was about five years old, I was playing as usual in my toy room alone. I was sitting in one corner playing with my action figures when I suddenly felt an itch behind my left shoulder. Automatically, I reached back to scratch it. Then I felt an itch on the back of my right hand. But before I could scratch it, I saw something that looked like a little black spot at the itchy area. When I looked at it closely, I saw a bug with many eyes and 8 legs. It was the ugliest and scariest thing I had ever seen. (At the time I didn't know it was a spider.) As quick as lightning, I brushed it off my hand and ran off screaming like a little baby to my mummy.
For days after that, I could still feel the creepy-crawly feeling on my hand. I had nightmares about bugs crawling all over me. I was paranoid and jumped whenever I saw spiders. I hated all spiders. I know most people are afraid of the big hairy striped spiders like Tarantulas, but to me they weren't as scary as the tiny little black spiders. They were the worst.
It turns out that I wasn't the only one scared of spiders. Lots of people everywhere are afraid of them. There is even a word which means the fear of spiders: Arachnophobia.
One day a few years later, when I was playing video games at my neighbor's house, I saw a little bug crawling on the floor near us. Guess what, it was a spider. I started to panic and shouted to him to squash it. He started to laugh and said "How can you be scared of a spider? I mean, it's such a little thing after all and it can hardly do anything to you."
Of course, I didn't listen to him. He kept laughing and refused to kill the spider. I couldn't concentrate on the game because I kept watching out for the spider. Predictably, he beat me in the game.
Later on I thought about what my neighbor had said. It was really embarrassing. I thought about my hero Spider-man who became a superhero because of a spider. I thought it was weird that I was scared of spiders yet I wanted to be bitten by a radioactive spider so I could become like Spider-man.
From that day, I decided that I should try to control my fear of spiders. Now when I see a spider, I say to myself that it really is not harmful and I'm much bigger than it and I could squash it with my pinky. It's not always easy to do and sometimes I still feel like dying when I see a tiny spider crawling near me.
I know it seems silly that a big boy like me can have this fear but I think that everyone has weaknesses. Even Superman can be weakened by Kryptonite. The important thing, which I have learned, is not to fear it.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?
For example, we saw large rocks which were used to crush and grind minerals, which were then mixed with animal fat and vegetable oil to make paint. Different types of minerals would produce different colors. Early humans probably painted with brushes made of moss, fur or human hair. Apart from using brushes, early humans may have also blown paint through hollow bird bones to create special effects like shaggy-looking fur on horses and other animals. Another interesting artifact we saw was a black rock that was probably used to make fire, maybe to light up the dark caves. There were also long pointy rocks that were probably used to carve sculptures. They look really similar to modern sculptor's picks.
In Le Tuc d'Audoubert cave in France, there is an altar made of clay sculptures of a bull and cow bison. The sculptures were probably carved with tools similar to the long sharp artifacts that we saw.
In conclusion, I think that early humans actually have a lot in common with us even though thousands of years separate us. While the tools and technology may change, the human need to live together, to eat and to communicate has not changed at all.
Ancient Rock Art & Cave Paintings of the World by BoilerPlateFilms
Monday, August 16, 2010
My dream job !!!
When Mrs Narsiman asked us which of the three social scientist jobs we would choose, the answer was obvious. I would be an archaeologist.
To me, archaeology is about solving puzzles. It is the scientific study of past societies based on things left behind. Archaeologists take these clues, and try to understand how people used to live, even how and when humans first appeared on earth. Archaeologists study not only books and documents, but also things like fossils, carvings, building ruins, pottery and other artifacts.
An archaeologist's job in real life is not as action packed as in the movies but it can be very exciting and full of adventure. You might have to climb mountains, dive underwater, crawl through tunnels, go into jungles and risk getting killed from accidents, stings from poisonous insects, attacks by wild beasts, booby traps and even curses! For example, the treasure and terracotta warriors buried in the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang were protected by booby trap crossbows. And it is said that the team that discovered King Tut's tomb were put under a curse and died mysteriously!
"6,000 warriors" by exploreTeam
The second reason is that I love to solve mysteries. An archaeologist is like a detective who must uncover the truth from bits and pieces of artifacts that are thousands of years old. Just like Heinrich Schliemann who found the City of Troy using Homer's poem "The Iliad" to find clues of where Troy could be. I would like to find out whether there really was a Noah's Ark or a Trojan Horse.
Since I like to travel, being an archaeologist will take me to archaeological sites all over the world like the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, the Colosseum in Rome, and Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Many can travel to these countries but some parts of these protected sites can only be visited by archaeologists. Now where shall I travel to, to find my own lost city to tell the world........?
So now you know why I want to be an archaeologist. I get to travel, go on adventures and solve mysteries. I like the idea about discovering the world's secrets and being able to share it with everyone. How did people in olden times live? What did they wear? What did they eat? What weapons did they use to hunt for food and to defend themselves? Did children in olden days behave like we do? That is for me to answer when I grow up and become an archaeologist!
"Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark fan trailer" by Quid1Pro1Quo
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Fun facts about Nick!
In my free time, I like to read manga, play football, tennis and my Xbox. My parents say I spend too much time playing video games but hey, isn't that normal for a kid??!! :)
The last three books I read were "A Day With Homo Erectus" by Fiorenzo Facchini, "The Mystery Of The Strange Bundle" and "The Mystery Of Tally-Ho Cottage", both by Enid Blyton. I've been re-reading all the mystery books written by her as I love detective stories.
Recently I watched the cartoon movie "Despicable Me" in 3D. I actually wanted to watch "Avatar: The Last Airbender" but was out-voted by the rest of my family. However, I have to admit that I enjoyed "Despicable Me". It was really funny and touching at the same time. One of the characters in the movie reminds me of my little sister.
My academic goal is getting good grades and my social goal is getting to know everyone in my grade and being friends with all of them.
My favourite vacation memory is going to Bali with family friends. One of my friends who went along happens to be a Grade 8 student here at ISKL. It was so much fun because we went out to sea on a yacht and we did some snorkeling and fishing. I caught a colourful fish but I do not know what kind of fish it was.
I am a friendly person, who is lazy, crazy, kind and polite but the most important thing is I love food!